select replace(concat("[[:{{subst:ns:",log_namespace,"}}:",replace(log_title,"_"," "),"]]"),":{{subst:ns:0}}:",":") as 'Page',
(select actor_name from actor_logging where actor_id=log_actor) as "Deleting admin",
comment_text as "Edit summary",
log_timestamp as "Timestamp" from logging_logindex q join comment_logging on comment_id=log_comment_id
where log_type="delete" and log_action="delete"
(comment_text like "%G6%")
-- and (select count(*) from archive where ar_namespace=log_namespace and ar_title = log_title and ar_actor != log_actor) > 10
and not (log_namespace=2 and log_title like "ClueBot_III%")
and not (comment_text = "[[WP:CSD#G6|G6]]: [[WP:BOTN#Double redirects for user's scripts]]")
and not (log_title regexp "_(from|as_of|to_be_decided_after)_([123]?[0-9]_)?(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)_20[012][0-9]")
and not (comment_text regexp -- "Deleting templates orphaned as the result of a consensus at WP:TfD. (generalizing to other fora)"
"^\\[\\[WP:(CSD#)?G6\\|G6]]: \\[\\[Wikipedia:((Articles|Miscellany)[ _]for[ _]deletion|(Files|Templates|Categories|Redirects)[ _]for[_ ]discussion).*"
or comment_text regexp ".*(page|template)[ _]dele?t(ed|ion)[ _]following.*TFD")
and not (comment_text like "%Deleted to make way for move"
or comment_text like "%for an uncontroversial page move of%"
or comment_text like "%make room for the acceptance of"
or comment_text like "%Mak% way for a%move" or comment_text like "%target will be moved here")
and not (comment_text like "%duplicate archives%" or comment_text like "%duplicate bot-created archives%")
and log_title not like "Infobox_road/%"
and comment_text not like "%Obviously created in error"
and not log_title like "Sockpuppet_investigations/%"
and log_actor != (select actor_id from actor where actor_name="Tassedethe")
and comment_text not like "%blank, single-author page%"
and comment_text not like "%WP:PMRC#10%"
and not comment_text like "%1077100843%"
and not log_title like "%POTD_protected%"
and not (log_title like "Move/%" and log_namespace=118)
and not (log_namespace=14 and log_title like "%Wikipedia_sockpuppets_of%")/**/
and (log_title like "%-%" and exists (select 1 from archive where ar_namespace=log_namespace and ar_title=log_title and ar_actor=
(select actor_id from actor where actor_name="AnomieBOT") and ar_parent_id=0))
and log_timestamp like "2022%"
and log_timestamp > 20220500000000
order by log_timestamp desc;
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