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-- Sample Quarry Query to Extract Usernames from Wikitext USE ckbwiki_p; -- Replace 'بەکارھێنەر:Aram/تاقیکردنەوە' with the desired page title -- Make sure the page title is properly URL-encoded if necessary -- For example, spaces should be replaced with underscores SET @pageTitle = 'بەکارھێنەر:Aram/تاقیکردنەوە'; -- Retrieve the wikitext of the specified page SELECT rev_text FROM revision WHERE rev_page = (SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE page_title = @pageTitle) ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; -- Extract usernames from the wikitext using a regular expression -- This query assumes that usernames are enclosed in double square brackets WITH page_wikitext AS ( SELECT rev_text FROM revision WHERE rev_page = (SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE page_title = @pageTitle) ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1 ) SELECT DISTINCT REGEXP_REPLACE( -- Regular expression to match usernames in double square brackets REGEXP_CAPTURE(page_wikitext.rev_text, r'\[\[User:([^|\]]+)(?:\|[^|\]]+)?\]\]'), -- Capture group containing the username r'\[\[User:([^|\]]+)(?:\|[^|\]]+)?\]\]', '\\1' ) AS username FROM page_wikitext WHERE page_wikitext.rev_text LIKE '%[[User:%'; -- This query retrieves and lists the extracted usernames
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