use commonswiki_p;
set @cat1:="Media_needing_categories%";
set @cat2:="Photos_from_Panoramio_needing_categories_as_of_%";
set @cat3:="Media_with_geo-coordinates_needing_categories";
set @cat4:="Uncategorized%";
#describe geo_tags;
select distinct concat("File:", page_title) as Dateiname
from page
left join categorylinks
on page_id = cl_from
where (cl_to like @cat1 or cl_to like @cat2 or cl_to like @cat3 or cl_to like @cat4)
and page_title like "%Dars%"
#and ((page_title like "%Ostsee%" )
# and not (page_title like "%Cottbus%"
# or page_title like "%Nord%-Ostsee%"
# or page_title like "%Ostseeprovinzen%"))
order by 1;
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