select replace(concat("[[:{{subst:ns:",log_namespace,"}}:",replace(log_title,"_"," "),"]]"),":{{subst:ns:0}}:",":") as 'Page',
(select actor_name from actor_logging where actor_id=log_actor) as "Deleting admin",
comment_text as "Edit summary",
log_timestamp as "Timestamp" from logging_logindex join comment_logging on comment_id=log_comment_id
where log_type="delete" and log_action="delete"
and (
((comment_text rlike "G1[^0123]" or comment_text like "%G2%") and log_namespace=2) -- G1 and G2 don't apply to userspace
or (comment_text like "%G7%" and log_namespace=3) -- G7 can in theory apply to user talk pages but is often misused
or (comment_text rlike "WP:(CSD#)?A[0-9]" and log_namespace != 0) -- A* criteria only apply to mainspace
or (comment_text rlike "WP:(CSD#)?F[0-9]" and log_namespace != 6) -- F* criteria only apply to files (primarily for completeness' sake, has no results in 2022 and only 4 in 2021)
or (comment_text rlike "WP:(CSD#)?C[0-9]" and log_namespace != 14) -- C* criteria only apply to categories
or ((comment_text rlike "WP:(CSD#)?U[0-9]" and log_namespace != 2 and log_namespace != 3) -- U* criteria only apply to userpages
and not (comment_text like "%U2%" and log_namespace=3 and not exists (select 1 from actor where actor_name=page_title)))
-- ... except for U2, which applies to user talk pages also (and check it really is a U2 while we are at it)
or (comment_text rlike "WP:(CSD#)?P[0-9]" and log_namespace != 100) -- P* criteria only apply to portals (again very unlikely to occur)
) and (log_timestamp like "2022%")
order by log_timestamp desc;
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