select replace(concat("[[:{{subst:ns:",log_namespace,"}}:",replace(log_title,"_"," "),"]]"),":{{subst:ns:0}}:",":") as 'Page',
actor_name as "Deleting admin",
count(log_namespace,log_title) as "Count"
where log_type="delete" and log_action="delete"
and (comment_text not like "%[[WP:CSD#%"
and comment_text not regexp "\\[\\[WP:[GARFCU][0-9]{1,2}.*"
and comment_text not regexp "^\\[\\[Wikipedia:((Articles|Miscellany)[ _]for[ _]deletion|(Files|Templates|Categories|Redirects)[ _]for[ _]discussion).*"
and comment_text not like "Expired [[WP:PROD|PROD]]%"
and comment_text not like "Multiple reasons: speedy deletion criteria%"
and comment_text not like "This file is now on Wikimedia Commons at%"
and comment_text not like "Listed at [[Wikipedia:Copyright problems]] for over seven days%"
and comment_text not like "%BLPPROD%"
and comment_text not regexp ".*[Gg][35].*" -- these tend to use odd formats, so exclude them
and comment_text != "G8"
and (log_timestamp like "2022%")
group by actor_name
order by log_timestamp desc;
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