select concat("Category:",page_title) from templatelinks join page on page_id=tl_from join category on cat_title=page_title join linktarget on lt_id=tl_target_id
where lt_namespace=10 and lt_title="Possibly_empty_category" and tl_from_namespace=14 and cat_pages=0
and exists (select 1 from pagelinks where pl_from=page_id and pl_namespace=10
and not exists (select 1 from page where page_namespace=10 and page_title=pl_title))
-- and not exists (select 1 from logging_logindex where log_namespace=10 and log_title=page_title and log_type="move")))
and page_title not like "Articles_containing_%-language_text"
and page_title not like "Articles_with_text_in_%_languages";
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