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Deletion Ratios for one wiki during 2020
UOzurumba (WMF)
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UOzurumba (WMF)
Example data for task Shows ratio of main namespace articles that were created using Content Translation and not using Content Translation and subsequently deleted. This sample works for the Hungarian Wikipedia (huwiki) for 2019.
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set @dbname = 'gdwiki'; set @ct_tag_id = ( select ctd_id from change_tag_def where ctd_name = 'contenttranslation' ); set @created_total = ( select count(rev_id) from page, revision where page_id = rev_page and page_namespace = 0 and rev_timestamp like '2023%' and rev_parent_id = 0 ); set @created_cx = ( select count(rev_id) from change_tag, page, revision where page_id = rev_page and page_namespace = 0 and rev_id = ct_rev_id and rev_timestamp like '2023%' and rev_parent_id = 0 and ct_tag_id = @ct_tag_id ); set @created_non_cx = ( select (@created_total - @created_cx) ); set @deleted_total = ( select count(ar_id) from archive where ar_namespace = 0 and ar_timestamp like '2023%' and ar_parent_id = 0 ); set @deleted_cx = ( select count(ar_id) from change_tag, archive where ar_namespace = 0 and ar_timestamp like '2023%' and ar_parent_id = 0 and ct_tag_id = @ct_tag_id and ar_rev_id = ct_rev_id ); set @deleted_non_cx = ( select (@deleted_total - @deleted_cx) ); select @dbname, @created_cx 'New CX articles', @created_non_cx 'New non-CX articles', @deleted_cx 'Deleted CX articles', @deleted_non_cx 'Deleted non-CX articles', concat(((@deleted_cx / @created_cx) * 100), '%') 'Deleted CX %', concat(((@deleted_non_cx / @created_non_cx) * 100), '%') 'Deleted non-CX %', concat( ((@deleted_non_cx / @created_non_cx) * 100) - ((@deleted_cx / @created_cx) * 100),'%') 'Deletion % difference';
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