-- SET @ime_kat_unos = 'Planinarstvo po godinama'; -- promijeniti naziv kategorije po želji
-- SET @ime_kat = REPLACE(@ime_kat_unos, ' ', '_');
use hrwiki_p;
SELECT cat_title, page.page_len, count(page_len) as cnt -- , count( distinct(cl.cl_from))
-- staviti "--(razmak)" ispred ", count..." za popis umjesto broja
from category as c
inner join categorylinks as cl on c.cat_title = cl.cl_to
inner join page on cl.cl_from = page.page_id
inner join revision_userindex as r_ui on r_ui.rev_page = page.page_id
inner join actor_revision as a_rev on r_ui.rev_actor = a_rev.actor_id
-- where c.cat_title = @ime_kat
where cat_title like '%_po_godinama'
and page.page_namespace = 0
-- and page.page_is_new = 0
and page.page_is_redirect = 0
-- and actor_name != "Kubura"
-- and actor_name NOT LIKE "%Bot"
group by cat_title, page_len
order by cat_title, cnt desc
limit 800;
-- /*
SELECT DISTINCT cl.cl_from, c.cat_id, c.cat_pages, page.page_title, page.page_len -- , count( distinct(cl.cl_from))
-- staviti "--(razmak)" ispred ", count..." za popis umjesto broja
from category as c
inner join categorylinks as cl on c.cat_title = cl.cl_to
inner join page on cl.cl_from = page.page_id
inner join revision_userindex as r_ui on r_ui.rev_page = page.page_id
inner join actor_revision as a_rev on r_ui.rev_actor = a_rev.actor_id
-- where c.cat_title = @ime_kat
where cat_title = 'Glazba_po_godinama' and page_len=1837
and page.page_namespace = 0
-- and page.page_is_new = 0
and page.page_is_redirect = 0
-- and actor_name != "Kubura"
-- and actor_name NOT LIKE "%Bot"
order by page_title, page_len asc
limit 600;
-- */
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