Fork of
Expiring G13 drafts
by Perryprog
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Firefly.
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT("Draft:",page_title),
(select rev_timestamp from revision where rev_page=page_id order by rev_timestamp desc limit 1) as rev_timestamp_,
(select rev_actor from revision where rev_page=page_id order by rev_timestamp asc limit 1) as creator_actor,
(select actor_name from actor where actor_id=(select rev_actor from revision where rev_page=page_id order by rev_timestamp asc limit 1)) as actor_name_
FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = 118
AND page_is_redirect = 0
AND (select rev_timestamp from revision where rev_page=page_id order by rev_timestamp desc limit 1) < (NOW() - INTERVAL 153 DAY)
ORDER BY rev_timestamp_;
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