Query Run
select * from langlinks l1 where l1.ll_from in (select l2.ll_from from... 4 years ago
select * from langlinks l1 where l1.ll_from in (select l2.il_from from... 4 years ago
select * from langlinks l1 where l1.ll_from in (select il_from from... 4 years ago
select * from langlinks where ll_from in (select il_from from langlinks... 4 years ago
select * from langlinks where ll_from in (select il_from where... 4 years ago
select * from langlinks where ll_lang in ("hi","te") limit 100 4 years ago
select * from langlinks where ll_lang = "hi" or ll_lang = "te" limit 10 4 years ago
select * from langlinks where ll_lang = "hi" and ll_lang = "te" limit 10 4 years ago
select * from langlinks where ll_lang = "hi" and ll_lang <> "te" limit 10 4 years ago
select ll_from from langlinks where ll_lang = "hi" and ll_lang = "ta" ... 4 years ago
select ll_from from langlinks where ll.ll_lang = "hi" and ll.ll_lang =... 4 years ago