Fork of Temp by Ahmad252
This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by Ahmad252.


use fawiki_p;
select concat("{{کاربر:Ahmad252/پالایه/الگو|", ipb_address, "}}") as کاربر, replace(replace(comment_text, "به طور خودکار توسط پالایهٔ ویرایش بسته شد.",""), "توضیح قانون مطابقتیافته: ","") as دلیل, "{{بررسی گزارش پالایه|}}" as بررسی
from ipblocks
join comment
on ipb_reason_id = comment_id
join actor
on ipb_by_actor = actor_id
where actor_name = "پالایهٔ ویرایش" -- The username that AbuseFilter uses to perform its actions. Please update if the username has changed.
and ipb_timestamp between "20210104000000" and "20210105000000"
and ipb_expiry > "20210105000000"
and ipb_address != ""
order by کاربر desc;
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