Fork of Pages in some books on bnwikisource by length by Mahir256
This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by Mahir256.


use enwikisource_p;
select current_date;
select concat("Page:", page_title), page_len
from page
join page_props
on pp_page = page_id
where pp_propname = 'proofread_page_quality_level'
and pp_value = 1
and page_namespace = 104
and   (page_title like replace('Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu%',' ','_')
    or page_title like replace('Speeches And Writings MKGandhi.djvu%',' ','_')
    or page_title like replace('The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu%',' ','_')
    or page_title like replace('Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu%',' ','_')
    or page_title like replace('Emily Dickinson Poems - third series (1896).djvu%',' ','_')
    or page_title like replace('History of India Vol%',' ','_')
    or page_title like replace('History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu%',' ','_')
group by page_title, page_len
order by page_len;
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