Fork of
trwiki:evolutionoftheuniverse's edits which summaries have "priority=high"
by Evolutionoftheuniverse
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Evolutionoftheuniverse.
USE wikidatawiki_p;
SELECT trwpl.pl_title,page_title,rev_timestamp
FROM revision_userindex
JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
JOIN comment_revision on rev_comment_id=comment_id
JOIN actor_revision ON actor_id = rev_actor AND actor_name="Vito Genovese"
JOIN trwiki_p.pagelinks trwpl ON
trwpl.pl_title=REPLACE(REPLACE(comment_text, "/* clientsitelink-remove:1||trwiki */ ","")," ","_")
AND trwpl.pl_from = 2219492 AND trwpl.pl_from_namespace = 4 AND trwpl.pl_namespace = 0
(SELECT p1.page_title FROM AS p1
WHERE p1.page_title = trwpl.pl_title
AND trwpl.pl_namespace = 0
AND p1.page_namespace = 0)
AND rev_timestamp <= (SELECT TIMESTAMP("2017-03-29 16:26:55"))
AND rev_timestamp >= (SELECT TIMESTAMP("2017-03-29 15:48:47"))
GROUP BY trwpl.pl_title;
/*SELECT comment_text FROM comment_revision JOIN revision_userindex on rev_comment_id=comment_id JOIN actor ON actor_id = rev_actor WHERE actor_name="Vito Genovese" AND rev_timestamp LIKE "20170329%" LIMIT 1;*/
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