USE wikidatawiki_p;
select now();
SELECT rev_id, rc_timestamp, actor_name, rc_title, comment_text
FROM recentchanges
LEFT JOIN comment ON comment.comment_id = recentchanges.rc_comment_id
LEFT JOIN actor on actor.actor_id = recentchanges.rc_actor
LEFT JOIN revision on revision.rev_id = recentchanges.rc_this_oldid
WHERE actor_name in ('ANKAN', 'Syfur007', 'Md. Golam Mukit Khan', 'Reemuree',
'Nafiul adeeb', 'IqbalHossain', 'Mashkawat.ahsan', 'S Shamima Nasrin', 'Dolon Prova')
AND rc_timestamp >= 20201029180000
AND rc_timestamp < 20201105175959
AND rc_type in (0, 1)
ORDER BY rc_id desc;•-
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