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DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `find_ip4_in_cidr4` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`mezzell`@`%` FUNCTION `find_ip4_in_cidr4`( _address VARCHAR(15), _block VARCHAR(18) ) RETURNS TINYINT DETERMINISTIC /* for a given input, this function always returns the same output */ CONTAINS SQL /* the function does not read from or write to tables */ BEGIN -- given an IPv4 address and a cidr spec, -- return -1 for a valid address inside -- return prefix length if the address is within the block, -- return 0 if the address is outside the block, -- otherwise return null DECLARE _ip_aton INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT INET_ATON(_address); DECLARE _cidr_aton INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(_block,'/',1)); DECLARE _prefix TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT SUBSTRING_INDEX(_block,'/',-1); DECLARE _bitmask INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - _prefix)) & 0xFFFFFFFF; RETURN CASE /* the first match, not "best" match is used in a CASE expression */ WHEN _ip_aton IS NULL OR _cidr_aton IS NULL OR /* sanity checks */ _prefix IS NULL OR _bitmask IS NULL OR _prefix NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 32 OR (_prefix = 0 AND _cidr_aton != 0) THEN NULL WHEN _cidr_aton = 0 AND _bitmask = 0 THEN -1 WHEN _ip_aton & _bitmask = _cidr_aton & _bitmask THEN _prefix /* here's the only actual test needed */ ELSE 0 END; END $$ DELIMITER ; SELECT * FROM ipblocks WHERE ipb_user = 0 LIMIT 1;
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