This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by IKhitron.


use hewiki_p;
select page_namespace, replace(page_title, "_", " ") as "ערך", left(page_title, locate("/", page_title) - 1) as "שם" from page as p1
where not page_namespace in (2, 3)
and page_title like "%/%"
and exists
(select * from user
 where user_name = left(page_title, locate("/", page_title) - 1))
and not (page_title in ("7/11", "GNU/Linux", "גנו/לינוקס", "גנו/לינוקס_כנרת", "ו/או", "ויקטור/ויקטוריה", "ישראלים/פעולה/סקס",
"לנון/מקרטני", "פרוסט/ניקסון", "OS/390", "ביל/ביין") and page_namespace in (0, 1))
and not (page_title like "%הצעת_הוספה_למומלצים" and page_namespace = 1)
and not (exists
(select * from page as p3
 where (p3.page_namespace = p1.page_namespace)
 and p3.page_title = left(p1.page_title, locate("/", p1.page_title) - 1)))
and not (exists
(select * from page as p3
 where p3.page_namespace = 10
 and p1.page_namespace = 11
 and p3.page_title = left(p1.page_title, locate("/", p1.page_title) - 1)))
and not (page_namespace = 828 and left(page_title, locate("/", page_title) - 1) = "Kotz")
and not (page_namespace = 4 and page_title = "נתונים/WorldMap-json")
and not (page_namespace in (4, 12, 13) and left(page_title, locate("/", page_title) - 1) = "ספרים")
and not (page_namespace in (4, 5) and left(page_title, locate("/", page_title) - 1) in ("בודק", "ויקיגמד"))
and not page_namespace = 101
and not (page_namespace = 100
         and left(page_title, locate("/", page_title) - 1) = "ספרד")
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