select count(rc_id) as reviews, rc_title,
SUM(comment_text like "%accepted ([[WP:AFCH|AFCH]] 0.9.1)") as "accepted",
concat(round(SUM(comment_text like "%accepted ([[WP:AFCH|AFCH]] 0.9.1)") * 100 / count(rc_id), 1), "%") as "accept %",
SUM(comment_text like "%declined ([[WP:AFCH|AFCH]] 0.9.1)") as "declined",
concat(round(SUM(comment_text like "%declined ([[WP:AFCH|AFCH]] 0.9.1)") * 100 / count(rc_id), 1), "%") as "decline %"
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where (rc_namespace = 3)
and (comment_text like "%([[WP:AFCH|AFCH]] 0.9.1)")
and (rc_timestamp >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -7 DAY) )
group by rc_title
order by reviews desc;
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