SELECT (case
when ( (I.img_width*I.img_height) >= 13000000) then '>= 13 Mpx'
when ( (I.img_width*I.img_height) >= 12000000 AND (I.img_width*I.img_height) < 13000000) then '12 - 13 Mpx'
when ( (I.img_width*I.img_height) >= 11000000 AND (I.img_width*I.img_height) < 12000000) then '11 - 12 Mpx'
when ( (I.img_width*I.img_height) >= 10000000 AND (I.img_width*I.img_height) < 11000000) then '10 - 11 Mpx'
when ( (I.img_width*I.img_height) >= 9000000 AND (I.img_width*I.img_height) < 10000000) then '9 - 10 Mpx'
when ( (I.img_width*I.img_height) < 9000000) then '< 9 Mpx'
end) AS #COUNT(1) AS images
FROM commonswiki_p.page P
JOIN commonswiki_p.categorylinks CL ON CL.cl_from = P.page_id
JOIN commonswiki_p.image I ON I.img_name = P.page_title
WHERE P.page_namespace = 6
AND CL.cl_to = "Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Earth_2019_in_Ukraine"
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