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Pages without any categories or with only maintenance categories. Query breakdown: 1. outer query = a list of article pages that are not nominated for deletion and older than 24 hours 2. hc = a list of maintenance categories, meaning the titles of category pages with the __HIDDENCAT__ or __EXPECTUNUSEDCATEGORY__ property note: could filter out empty categories using the `category` table 3. nhcl = take `categorylinks`, filter out hc and collapse to a single row per page 4. final result = get the titles of article pages not present in nhcl, and the creation timestamp Takes about 30s to execute on nlwiki.
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SELECT page_title, rev_timestamp, GROUP_CONCAT(cl_to SEPARATOR ' | ') AS categories, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pl_title SEPARATOR ' | ') FROM pagelinks WHERE pl_from=page_id AND pl_namespace=14) AS catlinks, pp_value AS defaultsort, (SELECT pp_value FROM page_props WHERE pp_page=page_id AND pp_propname='wikibase_item') AS Wikidata FROM page INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT rc_cur_id FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_type IN (0,1) AND rc_namespace=0) rc ON rc_cur_id=page_id INNER JOIN revision ON ( rev_parent_id=0 AND page_id=rev_page AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE(rev_timestamp,'%Y%m%d%H%i%s'))>86400) LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page_id=cl_from LEFT JOIN page_props ON page_id=pp_page AND pp_propname='defaultsort' WHERE page_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect=0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM page_props WHERE page_id=pp_page AND pp_propname='disambiguation') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM categorylinks WHERE page_id=cl_from AND cl_to REGEXP '^Wikipedia:(Verwijderbaar/[0-9]{2}|Nog_niet_gereed|Nog_te_categoriseren_sinds_|Nuweg|Werk_in_uitvoering)$' ) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ( # niet-beheer categorylinks SELECT cl_from, cl_to FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_to NOT REGEXP '^Diersoort_beschreven_in_|' '^Boom_\\(plant\\)|' '^Actuele_(sport)?gebeurtenis$|' '^Wikipedia:|' '^IUCN-status_|' '^Dier_uit_het_[ANOP][a-zë]+_gebied$|' '^Uitgestorven_vissen$' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ( # beheercategorieën SELECT DISTINCT page_title FROM page, page_props WHERE page_namespace=14 AND page_id=pp_page AND (pp_propname='hiddencat' OR pp_propname='expectunusedcategory') ) hc WHERE cl_to=hc.page_title) GROUP BY cl_from ORDER BY cl_from ) nhcl WHERE nhcl.cl_from=page_id) GROUP BY page_title ORDER BY rev_timestamp
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