Fork of Add Wikidata descriptions based on English description by FShbib
This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by FShbib.


# Given name items with English label, but lacking a description ("male given name", etc.)
# See also
# Initial run: 6575 rows (11.04.2015)
USE wikidatawiki_p; 
#   output for  Quickstatement tool
    CONCAT('Q', term_entity_id) AS item, 
    "Dar",      # "Den" sets the description for the language with language code "en" (change here and below)
    "صفحة توضيح ويكيميديا" As NewDescription
FROM wb_terms 
WHERE term_entity_type = 'item' # 'item' not 'property'
AND term_type = 'description'         # 'label', 'description', 'alias'
AND term_language = 'en'
AND term_text LIKE "Wikimedia disambiguation page"
AND term_entity_id NOT IN 
    ( SELECT term_entity_id FROM wb_terms
                WHERE term_entity_type = 'item' # 'item' not 'property'
                AND term_type = 'description'   # 'label', 'description', 'alias'
                AND term_language = 'ar'        # set language with missing labels here (sample with language code "en")
GROUP BY term_text, term_entity_id
LIMIT 1000;
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