USE skwiki_p;
select @lat := 49.198333, @lon := 19.51666, @radius := 10000, @limit := 100;
select page_title, geo_tags.* from geo_tags, page where page_id = gt_page_id and gt_lat between @lat - @radius/111000 and @lat + @radius/111000 and gt_lon between @lon - @radius/111000 and @lon + @radius/111000 order by gt_lat limit @limit;
select page_title, geo_tags.* from geo_tags, page where page_id = gt_page_id and page_title in ('Veľké_Borové', 'Srňacie', 'Annina_dolina', 'Prosečné_(vrch)', 'Svorad_(plošina)');
select count(*) from geo_tags;
select gt_primary, count(*) as count from geo_tags group by gt_primary order by count desc;
select gt_type, count(*) as count from geo_tags group by gt_type order by count desc;
select gt_country, count(*) as count from geo_tags group by gt_country order by count desc;
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