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use hewiki_p; select case when exists (select * from categorylinks where cl_from = page_id) then "cat" else "no" end as cat, page_title from page where page_namespace = 10 and page_is_redirect = 0 and page_title like "%/%" and not (not page_title like "%/פרמטרים" and not page_title like "%/תיעוד" and not page_title like "בוט_יישובים/%" and not page_title like "הודעת_עריכה/%" and not page_title like "הנחיות_תמונה/%" and not (page_title like "ויקיפדיה%" and not page like "ויקיפדיה_-_כלים_לתרומות_אלמוני/%") and not page_title like "חודש_גרגוריאני%" and not page_title like "טבלת_יוניקוד/%" and not page_title like "טבלת_ליגת_העל/%" and not page_title like "מדרגות_מס_בישראל/%" and not page_title like "מידע_דגל/%" and not page_title like "מפת_איתור/%" and not page_title like "מפת_מיקום/%" and not page_title like "נקודת_מיקום/%" and not page_title like "נתוני_מדינות/%" and not page_title like "ציטוט_DOI/%" and not page_title like "ציר_זמן/%" and not page_title like "שחמט/%" and not page_title like "שקיעה/%" and not page_title like "תא_יסוד/%") and not exists (select * from categorylinks where cl_from = page_id); select case when exists (select * from categorylinks where cl_from = page_id) then "cat" else "no" end as cat, page_title from page where page_namespace = 10 and page_is_redirect = 0 and page_title like "%/%" and not page_title like "%/פרמטרים" and not page_title like "%/תיעוד" and not page_title like "בוט_יישובים/%" and not page_title like "דגל/%" and not page_title like "דרגה/%" and not page_title like "הודעת_עריכה/%" and not page_title like "הנחיות_תמונה/%" and not (page_title like "ויקיפדיה%" and not page like "ויקיפדיה_-_כלים_לתרומות_אלמוני/%") and not page_title like "חודש_גרגוריאני%" and not page_title like "טבלת_יוניקוד/%" and not page_title like "טבלת_ליגת_העל/%" and not page_title like "מדרגות_מס_בישראל/%" and not page_title like "מידע_דגל/%" and not page_title like "מפת_איתור/%" and not page_title like "מפת_מיקום/%" and not page_title like "נקודת_מיקום/%" and not page_title like "נתוני_מדינות/%" and not page_title like "ציטוט_DOI/%" and not page_title like "ציר_זמן/%" and not page_title like "שחמט/%" and not page_title like "שקיעה/%" and not page_title like "תא_יסוד/%"
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