use hewiki_p;
select replace(page_title, "_", " ") as title from categorylinks as cl1 join page as p1 join image
on (cl_to = "ויקיפדיה_-_תמונות_שימוש_הוגן"
or exists
(select * from page as p2
where p2.page_namespace = 14
and p2.page_title = cl1.cl_to
and exists
(select * from categorylinks as cl2
where cl2.cl_from = p2.page_id
and (cl2.cl_to = "ויקיפדיה_-_תמונות_שימוש_הוגן"
or exists
(select * from page as p3
where p3.page_namespace = 14
and p3.page_title = cl2.cl_to
and exists
(select * from categorylinks as cl3
where cl3.cl_from = p3.page_id
and (cl3.cl_to = "ויקיפדיה_-_תמונות_שימוש_הוגן")))))))
and cl_from = page_id
and page_namespace = 6
and not exists
(select * from imagelinks
where il_to = page_title)
and img_name = page_title;
select curdate();
select now() + 0;
select now() + 100;
SELECT datediff(now() + 0, DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL 31 DAY));
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