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SELECT user_name, user_editcount FROM user WHERE user_name = '1Goldberg2' OR user_name = 'A.Vajrapani' OR user_name = 'Adavyd' OR user_name = 'Ahasheni' OR user_name = 'Ailbeve' OR user_name = 'Alemann' OR user_name = 'Alex fand' OR user_name = 'Alexei Kopylov' OR user_name = 'Alina Voznaya' OR user_name = 'Altes' OR user_name = 'Andreykor' OR user_name = 'Andrzej Downarowicz' OR user_name = 'AndyVolykhov' OR user_name = 'Anton n' OR user_name = 'Arbnos' OR user_name = 'Arrnik' OR user_name = 'Arsenal.UC' OR user_name = 'Arseniy1302' OR user_name = 'Aryamehr' OR user_name = 'Autumn Leaves' OR user_name = 'Basicowes' OR user_name = 'Bender Ostap' OR user_name = 'Bezik' OR user_name = 'Biathlon' OR user_name = 'Blacklake' OR user_name = 'Bopsulai' OR user_name = 'Brateevsky' OR user_name = 'Carpodacus' OR user_name = 'CheloVechek' OR user_name = 'Colt browning' OR user_name = 'Cozy Glow' OR user_name = 'D6194c-1cc' OR user_name = 'DENAMAX' OR user_name = 'DR' OR user_name = 'DZ' OR user_name = 'Daphne mesereum' OR user_name = 'DarDar' OR user_name = 'Darkhan' OR user_name = 'Def2010' OR user_name = 'Deinocheirus' OR user_name = 'Delasse' OR user_name = 'Demidenko' OR user_name = 'DenBkh' OR user_name = 'Dimetr' OR user_name = 'Dlom' OR user_name = 'Dmartyn80' OR user_name = 'Dmitry Rozhkov' OR user_name = 'Dmitry SM' OR user_name = 'DrHolsow' OR user_name = 'Draa kul' OR user_name = 'Dubrovin S.' OR user_name = 'Eleazar' OR user_name = 'Erokhin' OR user_name = 'Evacat' OR user_name = 'Excellence' OR user_name = 'Facenapalm' OR user_name = 'Fedor Babkin' OR user_name = 'Fugitive from New York' OR user_name = 'FunnyCat' OR user_name = 'GAndy' OR user_name = 'Geoalex' OR user_name = 'Ghuron' OR user_name = 'Glavkom NN' OR user_name = 'Good Will Hunting' OR user_name = 'Grain of sand' OR user_name = 'Grebenkov' OR user_name = 'HAPPY LEMON' OR user_name = 'Halcyon5' OR user_name = 'HalfOfDwarf' OR user_name = 'Helga Regin' OR user_name = 'Helgo13' OR user_name = 'Hercules63' OR user_name = 'Hwem' OR user_name = 'Ibidem' OR user_name = 'Idot' OR user_name = 'Igor Borisenko' OR user_name = 'Igrek' OR user_name = 'Iich1960' OR user_name = 'Iluvatar' OR user_name = 'Inctructor' OR user_name = 'Jack Jackie Pomi' OR user_name = 'Jack who built the house' OR user_name = 'Jaguar K' OR user_name = 'JessePinkman' OR user_name = 'Jim Hokins' OR user_name = 'Joey Camelaroche' OR user_name = 'John Francis Templeson' OR user_name = 'JukoFF' OR user_name = 'Just' OR user_name = 'Kenpav' OR user_name = 'Kiz08' OR user_name = 'Klip game' OR user_name = 'Kmorozov' OR user_name = 'Kolchak1923' OR user_name = 'Kosun' OR user_name = 'Kvaziko-spb' OR user_name = 'Kylaix' OR user_name = 'La loi et la justice' OR user_name = 'Lazyhawk' OR user_name = 'Leonrid' OR user_name = 'Lesless' OR user_name = 'LukaE' OR user_name = 'Luterr' OR user_name = 'M0d3M' OR user_name = 'Macuser' OR user_name = 'Malupasic' OR user_name = 'Marimarina' OR user_name = 'Maynich' OR user_name = 'Meiræ' OR user_name = 'Michgrig' OR user_name = 'Mihail Lavrov' OR user_name = 'Mike Somerset' OR user_name = 'Morihei Tsunemori' OR user_name = 'Mrakia' OR user_name = 'Mypolik' OR user_name = 'NBS' OR user_name = 'Nebydlogop' OR user_name = 'Netelo' OR user_name = 'Niklem' OR user_name = 'Niklitov' OR user_name = 'NoFrost' OR user_name = 'Ochkarik' OR user_name = 'Oleg3280' OR user_name = 'OlegCinema' OR user_name = 'Oleg Yunakov' OR user_name = 'Optimizm' OR user_name = 'Oswiecony' OR user_name = 'PavelPavel1300' OR user_name = 'Pavel Alikin' OR user_name = 'Pi novikov' OR user_name = 'Postoronniy-13' OR user_name = 'Putnik' OR user_name = 'Qh13' OR user_name = 'Ququ' OR user_name = 'Rafinin' OR user_name = 'Rave' OR user_name = 'RedJavelin' OR user_name = 'Redfog' OR user_name = 'RetroRave' OR user_name = 'Roadpacer' OR user_name = 'Sagivrash' OR user_name = 'Salsero al Zviadi' OR user_name = 'Saramag' OR user_name = 'Semeai' OR user_name = 'Semenov.m7' OR user_name = 'Serhio Magpie' OR user_name = 'Shamash' OR user_name = 'Shuvaev' OR user_name = 'Sigwald' OR user_name = 'Skorp24' OR user_name = 'Sleeps-Darkly' OR user_name = 'Sneeuwschaap' OR user_name = 'Soul Train' OR user_name = 'Springbok' OR user_name = 'Springhead' OR user_name = 'Ssr' OR user_name = 'Stjn' OR user_name = 'Swarrel' OR user_name = 'Tempus' OR user_name = 'Timur Rossolov' OR user_name = 'Tucvbif' OR user_name = 'Uchastnik1' OR user_name = 'V1adis1av' OR user_name = 'V for Vendetta' OR user_name = 'VadSokolov' OR user_name = 'Valmin' OR user_name = 'Vanyka-slovanyka' OR user_name = 'Vcohen' OR user_name = 'Victoria' OR user_name = 'Vladimir Solovjev' OR user_name = 'Vladislavus' OR user_name = 'Voltmetro' OR user_name = 'Vyacheslav84' OR user_name = 'Vyacheslav Bukharov' OR user_name = 'Wikifido' OR user_name = 'Wikisaurus' OR user_name = 'WindEwriX' OR user_name = 'Wulfson' OR user_name = 'Xplt' OR user_name = 'YarTim' OR user_name = 'Yms' OR user_name = 'Yuri Krestinichev' OR user_name = 'Zanka' OR user_name = 'Zayatc' OR user_name = 'Авгур' OR user_name = 'АлександрЛаптев' OR user_name = 'Андрей Бабуров' OR user_name = 'Андрей Лишанский' OR user_name = 'Андрей Романенко' OR user_name = 'Аноним2018' OR user_name = 'Викидим' OR user_name = 'Владлен Манилов' OR user_name = 'Волк' OR user_name = 'Всезнайка' OR user_name = 'Всеслав Чародей' OR user_name = 'Гав-Гав2020' OR user_name = 'ДМ' OR user_name = 'Евгений Мирошниченко' OR user_name = 'Евгений Юрьев' OR user_name = 'Землеройкин' OR user_name = 'Канаев Николай Викторович' OR user_name = 'Карт-Хадашт' OR user_name = 'Кирилл С1' OR user_name = 'Клайв' OR user_name = 'Красный' OR user_name = 'Лена Ерголина' OR user_name = 'Люба КБ' OR user_name = 'Мит Сколов' OR user_name = 'Михаил Тум' OR user_name = 'НСНУ' OR user_name = 'Олег07' OR user_name = 'Пиероги30' OR user_name = 'Повелитель Звёзд' OR user_name = 'Полиционер' OR user_name = 'Положительный герой' OR user_name = 'Роман Франц' OR user_name = 'Сергей Клюев' OR user_name = 'Сидик из ПТУ' OR user_name = 'Тара-Амингу' OR user_name = 'Томасина' OR user_name = 'Удивленный1' OR user_name = 'Урбан75' OR user_name = 'Флаттершай' OR user_name = 'Фред-Продавец звёзд' OR user_name = 'Фэтти' OR user_name = 'Хедин' OR user_name = 'Хоббит' OR user_name = 'Юрий Владимирович Л.'
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