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USE ruwiki_p; SELECT user_name, user_editcount FROM user WHERE user_name = "Wikisaurus" OR user_name = "Alexander Roumega" OR user_name = "AndyVolykhov" OR user_name = "AnimusVox" OR user_name = "Armed pacifist" OR user_name = "Baccy" OR user_name = "Carpodacus" OR user_name = "Changall" OR user_name = "Charmbook" OR user_name = "Deltahead" OR user_name = "Dimetr" OR user_name = "Dmitry Rozhkov" OR user_name = "Dogad75" OR user_name = "Drakosh" OR user_name = "Emaus" OR user_name = "FlankerFF" OR user_name = "Gamliel Fishkin" OR user_name = "Hercules63" OR user_name = "Ignatus" OR user_name = "Iluvatar" OR user_name = "Jackie" OR user_name = "Karachun" OR user_name = "Khinkali" OR user_name = "Krassotkin" OR user_name = "Lingveno" OR user_name = "Max Guinness" OR user_name = "Maxinvestigator" OR user_name = "Meiræ" OR user_name = "Meteorych" OR user_name = "MisterXS" OR user_name = "Morihei Tsunemori" OR user_name = "Neolexx" OR user_name = "OlegCinema" OR user_name = "Oleksiy.golubov" OR user_name = "Postoronniy-13" OR user_name = "Qweedsa" OR user_name = "Raise-the-Sail" OR user_name = "Saint Johann" OR user_name = "Saramag" OR user_name = "Scorpion-811" OR user_name = "Sergeisemenoff" OR user_name = "VasilievVV" OR user_name = "Venzz" OR user_name = "Странник27|Vyacheslav84" OR user_name = "Wanwa" OR user_name = "Zooro-Patriot" OR user_name = "Александр Русский" OR user_name = "Викиенот" OR user_name = "Всеслав Чародей" OR user_name = "Дворецкий" OR user_name = "Есстествоиспытатель" OR user_name = "Лука Батумец" OR user_name = "Никонико962" OR user_name = "НоуФрост" OR user_name = "Обывало" OR user_name = "Полиционер" OR user_name = "Рулин" OR user_name = "Седьмая волна" OR user_name = "Уљар" OR user_name = "Фил Вечеровский" OR user_name = "ЯцекJacek" ;
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