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USE ruwiki_p; SELECT user_name, user_editcount FROM user WHERE user_name = "Wikisaurus" OR user_name = "91i79" OR user_name = "A.Vajrapani" OR user_name = "Adavyd" OR user_name = "Alex Spade" OR user_name = "Alexei Kopylov" OR user_name = "Alma Pater" OR user_name = "Altes" OR user_name = "AndreyIGOSHEV" OR user_name = "Andreykor" OR user_name = "Be nt all" OR user_name = "Bezik" OR user_name = "Biathlon" OR user_name = "Bilderling" OR user_name = "Butko" OR user_name = "Christian Valentine" OR user_name = "CodeMonk" OR user_name = "Convallaria majalis" OR user_name = "Ctac" OR user_name = "Deinocheirus" OR user_name = "Dima st bk" OR user_name = "Dinamik" OR user_name = "Dmitry89" OR user_name = "Dodonov" OR user_name = "DonRumata" OR user_name = "DR" OR user_name = "Draa kul" OR user_name = "Drbug" OR user_name = "DZ" OR user_name = "El-chupanebrej" OR user_name = "Fedor Babkin" OR user_name = "GAndy" OR user_name = "Ghuron" OR user_name = "Good Will Hunting" OR user_name = "Grebenkov" OR user_name = "Infovarius" OR user_name = "INSAR" OR user_name = "Insider" OR user_name = "JukoFF " OR user_name = "Kalan" OR user_name = "Lazyhawk" OR user_name = "Lesless" OR user_name = "Levg" OR user_name = "Luterr" OR user_name = "Maxinvestigator" OR user_name = "Melirius" OR user_name = "Michgrig" OR user_name = "Mihail Lavrov" OR user_name = "Mitrius" OR user_name = "NBS" OR user_name = "Neon" OR user_name = "Niklem" OR user_name = "Oleg Yunakov" OR user_name = "OneLittleMouse" OR user_name = "Ping08" OR user_name = "Q-bit array" OR user_name = "Sealle" OR user_name = "SerSem" OR user_name = "Shakko" OR user_name = "ShinePhantom" OR user_name = "Sigwald" OR user_name = "Sir Shurf" OR user_name = "Tatewaki" OR user_name = "TenBaseT" OR user_name = "Testus" OR user_name = "Track13" OR user_name = "Victoria" OR user_name = "Vladimir Solovjev" OR user_name = "Volkov" OR user_name = "Wanderer777" OR user_name = "Well-Informed Optimist" OR user_name = "WindEwriX" OR user_name = "Wulfson" OR user_name = "Zanka" OR user_name = "АлександрВв" OR user_name = "Андрей Романенко" OR user_name = "Джекалоп" OR user_name = "Йо Асакура" OR user_name = "Ле Лой" OR user_name = "Мастер теней" OR user_name = "Тара-Амингу" OR user_name = "Юрий Владимирович Л." ;
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