use arwiki_p;
select cat_pages as "عدد الصفحات", CONCAT ("تصنيف:",cat_title) AS "العنوان" from category
inner join page
on page.page_title = category.cat_title
where page.page_namespace=14 and category.cat_pages = 0 and category.cat_subcats = 0 and category.cat_files = 0 and page.page_is_redirect = 0
And Not page.page_id in (select tl_from from templatelinks where tl_title = 'تحويل_تصنيف')
And Not page.page_id in (select tl_from from templatelinks where tl_title = 'تصنيف_فارغ')
And Not page.page_id in (select tl_from from templatelinks where tl_title = 'تصنيف_مخفي')
And Not page.page_id in (select tl_from from templatelinks where tl_title = 'تصنيف_ويكيبيديا');
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