USE enwiki_p;
SELECT catarlan.ll_title, catar.page_namespace, concat('OR ll_title LIKE "Category:',cl_to,'"'), catlan.ll_title
FROM langlinks AS catarlan
JOIN page AS catar ON ll_from = page_id AND catar.page_is_redirect = 0 AND catarlan.ll_lang = 'fa' AND catar.page_namespace = 14 # or 14
JOIN categorylinks ON page_id = cl_from
JOIN page AS cat ON cat.page_title = cl_to AND cat.page_is_redirect = 0 AND cat.page_namespace = 14
JOIN langlinks AS catlan ON catlan.ll_from = cat.page_id AND catlan.ll_lang = 'fa'
AND ( cl_to LIKE "1964_in_case_law"
ORDER BY cl_to;
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