select concat('[[:Category:', replace(cat_title, '_', ' '), ']]') Category,
when cat_title like '%Ancient%' then 'Upper'
when cat_title like '%ancient%' then 'Lower'
end as Caps
from category where cat_title rlike '.+[Aa]ncient_Greece'
order by Caps, Category;
select concat('[[:Category:', replace(cat_title, '_', ' '), ']]') Category,
when cat_title like '%Ancient%' then 'Upper'
when cat_title like '%ancient%' then 'Lower'
end as Caps
from category where cat_title rlike '.+[Aa]ncient_Greek'
order by Caps, Category;
select concat('[[:Category:', replace(cat_title, '_', ' '), ']]') Category,
when cat_title like '%Ancient%' then 'Upper'
when cat_title like '%ancient%' then 'Lower'
end as Caps
from category where cat_title rlike '.+[Aa]ncient_Rome'
order by Caps, Category;
select concat('[[:Category:', replace(cat_title, '_', ' '), ']]') Category,
when cat_title like '%Ancient%' then 'Upper'
when cat_title like '%ancient%' then 'Lower'
end as Caps
from category where cat_title rlike '.+[Aa]ncient_Roman'
order by Caps, Category;
select concat('[[:Category:', replace(cat_title, '_', ' '), ']]') Category,
when cat_title like '%Ancient%' then 'Upper'
when cat_title like '%ancient%' then 'Lower'
end as Caps
from category where cat_title rlike '.+[Aa]ncient_Egypt(?!ian)'
order by Caps, Category;
select concat('[[:Category:', replace(cat_title, '_', ' '), ']]') Category,
when cat_title like '%Ancient%' then 'Upper'
when cat_title like '%ancient%' then 'Lower'
end as Caps
from category where cat_title rlike '.+[Aa]ncient_Egyptian'
order by Caps, Category;
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