Fork of
Empty categories on Commons
by Achim55
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Achim55.
#USE stop;
USE commonswiki_p;
SELECT now() AS timestamp;
SELECT CONCAT('# [[:Category:', REPLACE(c.page_title,'_',' '), ']]',
IF(c.page_len < 5," '''blank'''",''),
IF(page_title LIKE '%_monuments_and_memorials', ' consider adding {{tl|Prospective category}} if it might be useful for WLM', ''))
FROM (SELECT * FROM categorylinks
ON cl_to = page_title
AND page_namespace = 14
AND page_is_redirect = 0
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'ACC_containing%' #Chinese characters
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'BSicon/%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Commons:%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Collection_of_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'FoP-%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'FOP-%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Images_from_Wiki_Loves_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Images_%/Reports/%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'IMO_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Naturschutzgebiet%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Motd_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'NoFoP-%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Potd_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'RCE_suggested:%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Uncategorized_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'Unidentified_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'User_%'
AND page_title NOT LIKE 'WikiProject%'
# AND page_title NOT LIKE '%_monuments_and_memorials' #temp
AND page_title NOT LIKE '%Berlin%' #temp
AND page_title NOT REGEXP '(check_needed|Expedition_Wikipedia|FOP_cases|requiring_review|to_be_categorised|to_be_checked|to_be_classified|unidentified)'
) AS c
LEFT JOIN (SELECT cl_from FROM categorylinks
WHERE cl_to IN ('Broken_category_redirects',
'Hidden_categories', #temp
'Unicode-CJK', #Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters
OR cl_to LIKE 'Biosphere_reserves_%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Cultural_heritage_%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'FoP-%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'GLAM_%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Images_from_Wiki_Loves_%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Natural_heritage%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Nature_reserves%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'NoFoP-%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Protected_area%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Protected_localities%'
OR cl_to LIKE 'Radical_%' #Chinese characters
OR cl_to LIKE 'User_categories%'
) AS cl
ON cl.cl_from = c.page_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT tl_from FROM templatelinks
WHERE tl_namespace = 10
AND tl_title IN ('CatDevelop',
) AS tl
ON tl.tl_from = c.page_id
WHERE cl.cl_from IS NULL
AND tl.tl_from IS NULL
#AND page_id NOT IN (SELECT r.rev_page FROM revision r WHERE r.rev_user IN (8018, 318877)) #Fridolin freudenfett, OTFW
AND ((c.page_len < 5) #blank page
OR (DATEDIFF(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, (SELECT MAX(rev_timestamp) FROM revision WHERE rev_page = c.page_id)) > 274) #last edit >9 months
#ORDER BY c.page_title
LIMIT 400;
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