use lvwiki_p;
select rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, orig.page_title,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(cl_to SEPARATOR '|') FROM categorylinks cl where cl.cl_from=orig.page_id) as cats,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(tl_title SEPARATOR '|') FROM templatelinks
WHERE tl_namespace = 10 and tl_from=orig.page_id) as box,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(tl_title SEPARATOR '|') FROM templatelinks
WHERE tl_namespace = 10 and tl_from in (select p.page_id from page p where p.page_namespace=1 and p.page_title=orig.page_title)) as box1
/* vēl vajag diskusijas saturu */
from revision
join page orig on orig.page_id=rev_page and orig.page_is_redirect=0 and orig.page_namespace=0
where rev_timestamp>20180423155813/*20180320000000 20180406073037 20180414213650*/ and rev_parent_id=0
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