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use hewiki_p; select page_title from page where page_namespace = 4 and page_is_redirect = 0 and not page_title like "%/%/%" and not page_title like "איך_להקים_אסם%" and not page_title like "אירועים/%" and not page_title like "אישורים_להעתקה%" and not page_title like "בוט/%" and not page_title like "ביכורים/%" and not page_title like "ביקורת_עמיתים%" and not page_title like "בירורים/%" and not page_title like "דלפק_ייעוץ%" and not page_title like "דפים_ללא_בינוויקי%" and not page_title like "הטילדה_הרביעית%" and not page_title like "הידעת?%" and not page_title like "הכה_את_המומחה%" and not page_title like "היום_בהיסטוריה%" and not page_title like "המקבץ_השבועי%" and not page_title like "יומן_הגנות%" and not page_title like "יומן_העלאות%" and not page_title like "יומן_חסימות%" and not page_title like "יומן_מחיקות%" and not page_title like "ייעוץ_לשוני%" and not page_title like "כיכר_העיר%" and not page_title like "מזנון/%" and not page_title like "מיזמי_ויקיפדיה%" and not page_title like "מפגשים/%" and not page_title like "מפעיל_נולד%" and not page_title like "מתקפת_איכות%" and not page_title like "סדנה_לגרפיקה%" and not page_title like "ספרייה/%" and not page_title like "עבודות_ויקידמיות%" and not page_title like "ערכים_חדשים%" and not page_title like "פרלמנט/%" and not page_title like "רשימת_מועמדים_למחיקה%" and not page_title like "רשימת_ערכים_במחלוקת%" and not page_title like "שינוי_שם_משתמש%" and not page_title like "ערכים_מומלצים%" and not page_title like "מסנן_השחתות%" and not page_title like "מסדר_ניקיון%" and not page_title like "מדריך_לעיצוב_דפים%" and not page_title like "מועדונים/%" and not page_title like "דלפק_היעץ_של_הספרייה_הלאומית%" and not page_title like "בודק%" and not page_title like "תמונה_מומלצת%" and not page_title like "תיבת_משתמש%" and not page_title like "שער_לילדים%" and not page_title like "Huggle%" and not page_title like "אין_לערוך%" and not page_title like "אירועים_בלוח_העברי%" and not page_title like "אשף_הערכים%" and not page_title like "באגים%" and not page_title like "בחירות_לחבר_הנאמנים%" and not page_title like "ביורוקרט%" and not page_title like "OTRS%" and not page_title like "Check_Wikipedia%" and not page_title like "AutoWikiBrowser%" and not page_title like "List_of_Wikipedians%" and not page_title like "ביטול_הרשאה%" and not page_title like "בקשות%" and not page_title like "דיווח%" and not page_title like "%ויקי%" and not page_title like "בקשת_ערך%" and not page_title like "הודעה_לעיתונות%" and not page_title like "הומור%" and not page_title like "יצירה_על_פי_תבנית%" and not page_title like "הצבע%" and not page_title like "חממה%" and not page_title like "כללים_לתעתיק%" and not page_title like "מדריך%" and not page_title like "מדיניות%" and not page_title like "מאמרים_שנערכו_מעט%" and not page_title like "עמוד_ראשי%" and not page_title like "סקריפטים%" and not page_title like "%טרולים%" and not page_title like "שאלות_ותשובות%" and not page_title like "שער_הקהילה%" and not page_title like "תערוכה%" and not page_title like "נתונים_סטטיסטיים%" and not page_title like "ספרים%" and not page_title like "עקרונות_וקווים_מנחים%" and not page_title like "פיתוח_התשתית%" and not page_title like "ציטוט_יומי%" and not page_title like "ערכים_לא_קיימים%" and not page_title like "מרחב_טיוטה%" and not page_title like "שאילתה%" and not page_title like "העברת_דפי_טיוטה%" and not page_title like "מיזם_כתיבת_ערכים_מחוז_הצפון%" and not page_title like "סיווג_עריכות/%" and not page_title like "חדשות/ארכיון_%" and not exists (select pl_title from pagelinks where pl_title = page_title and pl_from = 1342940 and pl_namespace = 4) #check
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