use jawiki_p;
case page_namespace
when 0 then ""
when 1 then "ノート:"
when 2 then "利用者:"
when 3 then "利用者‐会話:"
when 4 then "Wikipedia:"
when 5 then "Wikipedia‐ノート:"
when 6 then "ファイル:"
when 7 then "ファイル‐ノート:"
when 8 then "MediaWiki:"
when 9 then "MediaWiki‐ノート:"
when 10 then "Template:"
when 11 then "Template‐ノート:"
when 12 then "Help:"
when 13 then "Help‐ノート:"
when 14 then "Category:"
when 15 then "Category‐ノート:"
when 100 then "Portal:"
when 101 then "Portal‐ノート:"
when 102 then "プロジェクト:"
when 103 then "プロジェクト‐ノート:"
when 828 then "モジュール:"
when 829 then "モジュール‐ノート:"
end, page_title ) as "ページ名",
rev_user_text as "利用者名",
rev_id as "oldid",
rev_timestamp as "投稿日時",
rev_comment as "要約欄",
case rev_minor_edit
when 0 then "no"
when 1 then "yes"
end as "細部の編集か?"
from revision_userindex
inner join page on rev_page = page_id
#rev_user_text = "(ここに利用者名)" and
#rev_minor_edit = 0 and
rev_comment like '%削除%'
limit 10
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