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. Most patrol by user (2017) - only in main namespace
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use idwiki_p; SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT CONCAT( '[[User:',user_name,'|',user_name,']]' ) AS user_name ,user_registration ,user_editcount FROM /* Why a subquery? There is no index on user.user_registration (the timestamp of the account creation) so sorting on it is a huge job requiring a complete table scan. On the other hand, user_id loosely tracks the order of the account creation time. But only loosely. Somewhere in the software migrations of the very early days, some accounts came to have higher user_ids than they should have based on their order of creation. It's not many, but it's enough to make the top few entries out of order. So first we sort by user_id (limit 250) in this subquery, which is conveniently low-cost because that is the primary key on the "user" table. Then the outer query sorts those results by user_registration - a trivial job for 250 rows - and limits to 200. The difference is to allow some margin for the uncertain ordering caused by those eccentric old accounts. This version of the query completes in well under a minute. There may be a clever and pure way to avoid all this hacking around with subqueries, but I'm a big believer in "good enough". -- Andrew (Thparkth) */ ( SELECT user_name,user_registration,user_editcount FROM user WHERE user_name IN ( /* Return a list of all non-IP editors who have hit "save' on any page in the last month */ SELECT DISTINCT rc_user_text FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_timestamp>date_format(date_sub(NOW(),INTERVAL 30 DAY),'%Y%m%d%H%i%S') AND rc_user_text NOT REGEXP '^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]' AND rc_user_text NOT REGEXP '\\:.+\\:' ) AND user_registration IS NOT NULL ORDER BY user_id LIMIT 250 ) AS InnerQuery ORDER BY user_registration LIMIT 200;
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