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Jmorgan (WMF)
Last run on Dec 13 2017 Uploads within the last 30 days using Upload Wizard, grouped by user and minute. Grouping by user/minute is a proxy for "batch uploads." We assume that any files that were uploaded within the same UTC minute, by the same user, were uploaded in the same Upload Wizard batch. Likewise, we assume that images that were uploaded in different UTC minutes were parts of different batches. This approach will probably slightly under-count the size of batches, especially large batches, and slightly over-counts the number of batch uploads, because the larger the batch, the more likely it will overlap multiple minutes of UTC time. Nevertheless, this should give us a rough estimate of the total number of batch uploads, the relative proportion of batch-vs-single-file uploads, and the average size of batch uploads. For reference, about 22,251 results were 'batch uploads' (more than one file uploaded per user-minute), and 27,708 were single-file uploads.
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use commonswiki_p; select rc_user_text, upload_minute, count(upload_minute) as batch_size from (select substring(rc_timestamp, 1,12) as upload_minute, rc_user_text from recentchanges where rc_log_type = "upload" and rc_log_action = "upload" and rc_comment = "User created page with UploadWizard" order by upload_minute desc) as tmp group by tmp.upload_minute, tmp.rc_user_text order by batch_size desc;
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