use hewiki_p; select concat((case page_namespace when 0 then "" when 4 then "ויקיפדיה" when 14 then ":קטגוריה" when 118 then "טיוטה" when 1
then "שיחה" when 2 then "משתמש" when 5 then "שיחת ויקיפדיה" when 15 then "שיחת קטגוריה" when 8 then "מדיה ויקי" else page_namespace end)
, ':', page_title) as result,
page_namespace, page_title, rd_namespace, rd_title
from page join redirect on rd_from = page_id where ((page_namespace#, page_title, rd_namespace, rd_title
<> rd_namespace or page_namespace in (14, 15)) and not (((page_title LIKE "וק:%") or (page_title like "WP:%")) or (page_namespace, rd_namespace) in ((0, 100), (4, 5), (4, 8), (4, 12), (5, 13), (5, 101), (12, 4), (12, 9),
(100, 4), (5, 9), (9, 12),
#(4, -1),
(0, 14), (10, 100), (11, 101), (118, 2), (10, 828), (4, 10), (4, 14), (4, 108), (10, 8), (10, 8), (1, 4),
(12, 10), (5, 4), (15, 5), (11, 5), (1, 5), (1, 101), (5, 11), (10, 4), (11, 4), (5, 1), (7, 1), (100, 10), (829, 11), (119, 1), (4, 100)) or
page_namespace in (2, 3) or (page_namespace = 0 and page_title = 'Wikipedia_embassy') or (page_namespace = 4 AND (page_title in ('עמוד_ראשי',
'ועדת_בוררים/בקשות' ,'ועדת_בוררים/ניווט' ,'מזנון/דף_משתמש_של_חכם_חנוכה', 'דף_בוררות/תוכן_לוחות_שנה_בערכי_שנים_לועזיות',
'מפגשים_ירושלמים')) or (rd_namespace = 0 and page_title like "מיזמי_ויקיפדיה/%")) or (page_namespace = 5 AND page_title =
'גבולות/פורנוגרפיה/פשרת_eman') or (page_namespace = 5 AND page_title in ('עורך_חזותי/nowiki' ,'פרסונה_נון_גרטה',
'פרסונה_נון_גרטה/טיוטת_נוהל')) or (page_namespace = 10 AND page_title = 'תמונות_משתמש_MathKnight') or (page_namespace = 10 AND page_title
= 'תמונות_משתמש_נחמיה_ג') or (page_namespace = 4 AND page_title like "מסדר_ניקיון/%") or (rd_namespace = 2 AND rd_title =
"Deror_avi/טיוטה") or (page_namespace = 119 AND rd_namespace = 1 AND page_title = rd_title AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM page AS p1 WHERE
page_namespace = 118 AND page_title = rd_title)) or (page_namespace = 118 and page_title = "ללי_ציפי_מיכאלי") or (page_namespace = 14 and
page_title = "User_languages") or (page_namespace = 8 and page_title like "סקריפטים/%.js/מידע"))) or (not exists (select * from page as p1
where p1.page_title = rd_title and p1.page_namespace = rd_namespace) and not ((page_namespace in (2, 3) and (rd_namespace = 0 and (rd_title like "user:%" or
rd_title like "User:%" or rd_title like "en:user:%" or rd_title like "Användare:%" or rd_title like "Uzanto:%" or rd_title like
"User_talk:%") or (rd_namespace = 2 and exists (select * from metawiki_p.page where rd_title = page_title and page_namespace = 2))) or
(page_namespace = 3 and rd_namespace = 0 and (rd_title like "User_talk:%" or rd_title like "Usuario_Discusión:%" or rd_title like
"nl:Overleg_gebruiker:%")))) and not (page_namespace = 4 and page_title in ('ארגז_חול_לתבניות', 'ערכים_לא_קיימים_ומוגנים')))
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