use commonswiki_p;
set @cat1:="All_media_needing_categories_as_of_20%";
set @cat2:="Media_needing_category_review_as_of_%";
set @cat3:="Photos_from_Panoramio_needing_categories_as_of_%";
set @cat4:="Media with geo-coordinates needing categories";
#describe geo_tags;
select distinct #gt_lat, gt_lon, gt_page_id,
(select concat("File:", page_title) from page where page_id = gt_page_id) as title
from geo_tags
inner join categorylinks on gt_page_id = cl_from
where (cl_to like @cat1 or cl_to like @cat2 or cl_to like @cat3 or cl_to like @cat4) and cl_type="file" and
((gt_lat<53.67888 and gt_lat>=53.23329 and gt_lon>12.2642 and gt_lon<=12.65145) or
(gt_lat<53.81882 and gt_lat>=53.16782 and gt_lon>12.65145 and gt_lon<=13.24146) or
(gt_lat<54.00453 and gt_lat>=53.81882 and gt_lon>12.68851 and gt_lon<=13.21367) or
(gt_lat<53.85035 and gt_lat>=53.70431 and gt_lon>13.24146 and gt_lon<=13.41046) or
(gt_lat<53.76341 and gt_lat>=53.70431 and gt_lon>13.41046 and gt_lon<=13.52599) or
(gt_lat<53.70431 and gt_lat>=53.47465 and gt_lon>13.24146 and gt_lon<=13.7758) or
(gt_lat<53.47465 and gt_lat>=53.24264 and gt_lon>13.24146 and gt_lon<=13.53013) or
(gt_lat<53.47465 and gt_lat>=53.36741 and gt_lon>13.53013 and gt_lon<=13.69189))
order by 1
limit 1500;
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