Fork of
Wikidata items without Latvian label
by Edgars2007
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Mahir256.
use wikidatawiki_p;
select current_date;
select CONCAT("Q",ips_item_id), CONCAT("Lbn"), CONCAT('"',ips_site_page,'"')
from wb_items_per_site i
#join wb_terms on ips_item_id = term_entity_id and term_type = "label"
where i.ips_site_id='bnwiki' and not exists
(select term_entity_id from wb_terms where i.ips_item_id = term_entity_id and
term_type = "label" and term_language='bn' limit 1)
group by ips_item_id;
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