USE trwiki_p;
SET @N = 500;
SET @today = mid(replace(now(),"-",""),5,4); /*
-- */
-- {{subst:ilk düzenleme günü}}
select user_name, concat("tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/User talk:", user_name) as url, mid(min(rev_timestamp),5,4) as aygun
, datediff(now(), max(rev_timestamp)) as kacgun
, user_editcount as ec, mid(min(rev_timestamp),1,4) as yil
, ipb_expiry
from revision_userindex join user on user_id = rev_user
left join ipblocks on ipb_user = user_id
-- rev_timestamp < 20160000000000 and
rev_user > 0 and user_editcount > 100
-- and rc_id is null
group by rev_user having aygun = @today and yil < 2016 and kacgun > 30
order by user_editcount desc, rev_user
-- */
-- {{subst:Vikipedi sizi özledi}}
select user_name, concat("tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/User talk:", user_name) as url
, datediff(now(), max(rev_timestamp)) as kacgun
, datediff(now(), max(rev_timestamp))-@N as kacgunN
, ipb_expiry
from revision_userindex join user on user_id = rev_user
left join ipblocks on ipb_user = user_id
where rev_user > 0 and user_editcount > 100
group by rev_user having kacgunN = 0
order by user_editcount desc, rev_user
-- */
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