use cswiki_p;
select concat('Šablona:', replace(page_title, '_', ' ')) from page left join (select tl_namespace, tl_title, count(*) as pocet_vyskytu from templatelinks left join page on tl_from=page_id where concat(page_namespace, page_title) not like concat(tl_namespace, tl_title) and concat(page_namespace, page_title) not like concat(tl_namespace, tl_title, '/doc') and concat(page_namespace, page_title) not like '4Šablona/%' group by tl_namespace, tl_title) as tabulka_poctu on page_title=tl_title and page_namespace=tl_namespace where pocet_vyskytu < 2
and page_namespace like 10
and not page_title like '%/doc'
and not page_is_redirect like 1
and not page_title like 'Vyznamenat/%'
and not page_title rlike 'Kalendář[A-ZŽŠČŘĎŤŇĚÁÉÍÓÚŮÝ].*'
and not page_title like '%KalendářZačínající%'
and not page_id in (select cl_from from categorylinks where cl_to like 'Šablony:Substituované');
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