This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by Jdx.


# The query returns page names in "Translations" namespace (page_namespace=1198) and how many times each page has been edited
# by anonymous users since given date. The more times given page has been edited, more likely it has been vandalized.
USE commonswiki_p;
#SELECT COUNT(*), MIN(img_size), MAX(img_size), AVG(img_size), STDDEV_POP(img_size) FROM image WHERE img_minor_mime='webp';
SELECT  CONCAT('Translations:', page_title) AS 'Page title', DATE_FORMAT(rev_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %T') AS 'Date',
            COUNT(*) AS 'Edit count' FROM page
        INNER JOIN revision ON page_id=rev_page
        INNER JOIN ip_changes ON rev_id=ipc_rev_id
    WHERE page_namespace=1198 AND rev_timestamp>=20200214152500
        AND page_title REGEXP 'Commons:Wiki_Loves_Folklore/(?:[0-9]+|Page_display_title)/'
    GROUP BY page_id
    ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC, 2 DESC, 1 ASC;
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