USE trwiki_p;
select now();
SEt @N = -50;
sELECT page_title, rev_user_text
,CONCAT("https://tr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=cur&oldid=",fpp_rev_id) as tumbekleyen
,CONCAT("https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Özel:Diff/",rev_id) as ilkbekleyen
,DATEDIFF(NOW(),rev_timestamp) as gun
from flaggedpage_pending join page on page_id = fpp_page_id
join revision_userindex on rev_parent_id = fpp_rev_id
join recentchanges_userindex on rc_id = page_latest
join user on user_name = rc_user_text
where -- rev_user > 0 and rc_user > 0 and
-- rev_id < page_latest and
rev_timestamp > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL @N DAY)
and rc_timestamp > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL @N DAY)
and rev_user_text = user_name
select now();
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