use arwiki_p;
select cl_sortkey_prefix AS " item "
, CONCAT('Sarwiki') as "S"
, CONCAT('', page_title,'') AS "Page"
FROM categorylinks ara
#, COUNT(*) AS "عدد الاستخدامات" ,page_namespace
#page_namespace, page_title, cl_sortkey_prefix, COUNT(*)
#JOIN arwiki_p.page
join page
ON ara.cl_from = page_id
where ara.cl_to = "صفحات_دون_عنصر_ويكي_بيانات/كائن"
#and cl_sortkey_prefix like "مدينة%"
and not exists (SELECT * FROM wikidatawiki_p.page
WHERE page_namespace = 0 AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item')
and exists (SELECT * FROM enwiki_p.page enp WHERE enp.page_namespace = 0 and enp.page_title=page_title)
#and exists (SELECT * FROM enwiki_p.page enp WHERE enp.page_namespace = 0 and enp.page_title=cl_sortkey_prefix)
#group by cl_sortkey_prefix# having count(*) > 1
#and page_title like "Mr._Ibrahem/%"
#limit 50;
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