use fawiki_p;
select page_title,r.rd_title
from redirect r
left join page t
on rd_from = page_id
where page_namespace = 1
and exists (
select null
from redirect
left join page
on rd_from = page_id
where page_namespace = 0
and page_title = t.page_title
and rd_title <> r.rd_title
# AND REPLACE(REPLACE(rd_title,'_',''),'•','') = REPLACE(REPLACE(r.rd_title,'_',''),'•','')
AND REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(page_title,'_',''),'•',''),'أ','ا'),'آ','ا') <> REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(r.rd_title,'_',''),'•',''),'أ','ا'),'آ','ا')
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