USE enwiki_p;
SELECT CONCAT ('# [[',page_title,']]')#,tl_title
FROM revision JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id JOIN templatelinks ON page_id=tl_from
WHERE page_namespace=0
AND page_is_redirect=0
AND rev_comment LIKE concat('%moved page [[',page_title,']] to%')
AND page_id NOT IN (
SELECT pp_page
FROM page_props
WHERE pp_propname = 'disambiguation'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Set_index'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Category_handler'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Dmbox'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Main_other'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Arguments'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Category_handler'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Category_handler/blacklist'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Category_handler/config'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Category_handler/data'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Category_handler/shared'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Namespace_detect/config'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Namespace_detect/data'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Yesno'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Set_index_article'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Surname'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'String'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'If_empty'
AND tl_title NOT LIKE 'Ifempty'
LIMIT 100;
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