use dewiki_p;
set @iso1:='FI';
set @iso2:='12';
select sqrt((gt_lat - cen_gt_lat)*(gt_lat - cen_gt_lat) + (gt_lon - cen_gt_lon)*(gt_lon - cen_gt_lon)) as distanzungefaehr,
gt_lat, gt_lon, gt_page_id, gt_name,
(select page_title from page where page_id = gt_page_id) as title,
gt_country,gt_region from geo_tags,
(select avg(gt_lat) cen_gt_lat,avg(gt_lon) cen_gt_lon,count(*) from geo_tags
where gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region = @iso2) as zentrumdavon
where gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region = @iso2
order by 1 desc limit 100;
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