Fork of
dewiki:Find fixed URLs
by ⵓ
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by ⵓ.
use dewiki_p;
SELECT filter_url, filter_title, filter_page_id
(SELECT substring(el_to,28) as filter_url, page_title as filter_title, page_id as filter_page_id
FROM externallinks as euf INNER JOIN page as pf on euf.el_from=pf.page_id
WHERE el_index LIKE "http://invalid.dwl.giftbot./ftp%" and pf.page_namespace=1) as diskfilter
(SELECT lnel.el_to, lnp.page_title, lnp.page_id
FROM externallinks as lnel INNER JOIN page as lnp on lnel.el_from=lnp.page_id and lnp.page_namespace=0) as leftside
ON (diskfilter.filter_url= leftside.el_to and diskfilter.filter_title= leftside.page_title)
WHERE leftside.page_id is null
LIMIT 26000;
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